Employee Benefits for Large Enterprises

If's broad range of personal insurance products provide safety for your employees at work, while travelling and on their leisure time.

Great insurances for your employees make you an attractive employer

In some cases the employer takes out insurance for their employees due to obligation – the law and/or an agreement requires the employer insures the employees. Examples of these types of insurances are workers compensation and accident insurances.

But there are other insurances which benefit the employee on a more personal level, such as health insurance.  We know that hiring qualified employees means that you have to provide more then interesting work and a high salary.

Buying great personal insurances extending beyond what the legal minimal requirements can definitely be a part of showing your employees that you care about them, thereby making your company more attractive. 

Duty of care as an employer

There are many examples of how an employer lives up to their duty of care towards their employees; a safe work space, the right knowledge to perform the work or proper materials are some examples.

Buying solid insurances which will cover your employees during their workday is another example. One example is acquiring travel insurance which covers everything from medical needs to lost luggage. 

Choose If as your partner in insurance

There are many reasons why you should choose If as a partner in insurance – here are some of them

  • If is the largest insurance company in the Nordics with clients all around the world.
  • We insure most kinds of businesses and will tailor insurances to meet the needs of our clients.
  • If has been active for more then 20 years and has thousands of clients. For instance over 535,000 people in the Nordic countries are currently covered by Ifs health insurance. 

We pride ourselves in being able to insure our clients entire needs and always strive to meet our customers expectations.

Employee Benefits in your country

If's employee benefits products are compatible with the local legislation and social security systems. In order to get the best solution for your company please acquaint yourself with the various insurance solutions If can provide in different countries.